Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Commissined works: A portrait of Margret

A step by step view of my painting a portrait of Margret, in the manner of the mid-14th, 15th century Renaissance painters known as Mische technique, an oil/egg resin based technique applied to a wood panel.

Portrait of Margret Step 1. The drawing is sketched in a titanium white-egg tempera on the red earth ground, that is painted upon a wooden panel

Portrait of Margret Step 2. The painting has been given a glaze of cadium yellow and more titanium white egg/tempera has been worked over the top, correcting and defining more selective highlights

Finished my portrait of Donna's mom, Margret, who sits in the garden surrounded by flowering West Indian cedar trees. Margret comes from Dominican Republic and is partly descended from Arawak (Taino) Indians.

A painting of Margret by Stephanie Tihanyi
(all copyright held by the artist)

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Artist Selfie at work

A photo from the other week when I was out in the back painting a backdrop for a local dance school Dance Theater of St. Maarten 's recital, 'Dance Till You drop". I make a little money doing local stage and theater painting.
 It was fun to splash and drip with all the colors, as I am usually so meticulous and tight with my work, its great to ease up and splash it around.

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